Thursday 13 June 2024

Banned diabetes drugs spark appeal in Bahrain

Patients in Bahrain on the now-banned Type 2 diabetes drugs containing Rosiglitazone are being urged to report to their doctors. They will need replacement prescriptions and also check-ups to ensure they have not suffered any side-effects,


Glaxo diabetes drug to stay on market

GlaxoSmithKline's diabetes pill Avandia should stay on the the market even though data suggest it may raise the risk of a heart attack for some patients, US advisers said. Most of the advisory panel said the Food and Drug Administration sh


Glaxo diabetes drug to stay on market

GlaxoSmithKline's diabetes pill Avandia should stay on the the market even though data suggest it may raise the risk of a heart attack for some patients, US advisers said. Most of the advisory panel said the Food and Drug Administration sh

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