Sunday 2 June 2024

Abu Dhabi IPIC in Ferrostaal stake deal

Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) will sell back its 70 per cent stake in plant construction and engineering business Ferrostaal to German truckmaker MAN in a deal that ends a year-long dispute. As per the d


IPIC launches review to study Ferrostaal future

Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) has launched a review of its 70 per cent-owned Ferrostaal to help chart the unit's future and resolve a dispute with Germany's MAN, from whom it bought the stake in 2009.


IPIC launches review to study Ferrostaal future

Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) has launched a review of its 70 per cent-owned Ferrostaal to help chart the unit's future and resolve a dispute with Germany's MAN, from whom it bought the stake in 2009.


IPIC pushes for Ferrostaal settlement

Abu Dhabi's IPIC fund said it is pushing to settle a dispute quickly with German truck maker over unit Ferrostaal. 'IPIC submitted to MAN a fair proposal for all parties and continues to seek an amicable settlement as soon as possi

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