Friday 14 June 2024

UAE project helps clear Afghan mines

More than 11,000 explosive devices were located and destroyed in a UAE-based humanitarian project to end mine threats to civilians in Afghanistan’s Kandahar Province. The two-year, $25 million Emirates Mine Clearance Project


US fears reprisals after Afghan shooting rampage

US officials warned on Monday of possible reprisal attacks after 16 Afghan villagers, mostly children and women, were killed in a likely "rogue" shooting by a US soldier that weakens the West's tenuous grip on a decade-old war.   &n


Insurgents tunnel into Kandahar jail, 500 freed

Insurgents tunnelled into the main jail in Afghanistan's volatile Kandahar province on Monday, freeing hundreds of prisoners, including many Taliban commanders, a serious setback for US forces who hope to start withdrawing in coming months. 

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