Saturday 1 June 2024
Eastern Europe

SAS names VP for Mideast & Eastern Europe

SAS, a leader in analytics has appointed Shukri Dabaghi as vice president for the Middle East & Eastern Europe (MEEE).  Building on more than seven successful years heading SAS in the Middle East and Francophone Africa, D


E Europe factory sector outlook gloomy

Eastern Europe's biggest manufacturing sectors shrank in December, dragged down by crumbling growth in the euro zone, and with few positive signs on the horizon the region's policymakers may be forced to act to stabilise their economies. &nbs


High food prices 'to push Eurasia into poverty'

More than five million people risk falling into poverty in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as a result of higher food and energy prices, a World Bank official said. 'While we do see steady growth projected this year and next in the reg

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