Sunday 2 June 2024
tear gas

22 killed outside Cairo soccer stadium

Twenty-two people were killed outside an Egyptian soccer stadium on Sunday when security forces barred fans from entering, the public prosecutor's office said. Most of the dead were suffocated when the crowd stampeded after po


Egypt to arrest police for killing detained Islamists

An Egyptian prosecutor on Tuesday ordered the arrest of four police officers accused of killing 38 members of the Muslim Brotherhood during their detention last August, security sources and state media said. The Islamists suffocat


Bahrain slams tear gas death claims

Bahrain has strongly denied claims that anyone has died or suffered serious injuries as a result of tear gas, with the Information Affairs Authority (IAA) saying there was no evidence to prove the tear gas used by police was lethal.


Police fire tear gas at Oakland, 200 arrested

Riot police fought running skirmishes with anti-Wall Street protesters on Saturday, firing tear gas and bean bag projectiles and arresting more than 200 people in clashes that injured three officers and at least one demonstrator. Three pol


Army police, vehicles confront Egypt protesters

Military police in riot gear fired tear gas at demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Sunday and some threw stones, supporting police who had earlier tried to disperse a protest in the square without success, television images showed.


Egypt police tear-gas protesters

Thousands of Egyptians protested against the state on Tuesday in a rare show of strength to mark what online activists said was a 'Day of Wrath' inspired by the revolt that toppled Tunisia's president. Web activists have become

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