Friday 14 June 2024
Iran nuclear talks

Iran nuclear talks ‘stalled’, deadline may extend

Nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers have virtually stalled and a deadline for a final deal may have to be postponed again, Russian news agency TASS quoted a diplomatic source as saying on Friday. Iran and the powers --


Iran nuke talks limp on; deal seen close but elusive

Major powers and Iran stretched marathon talks on Tehran's nuclear programme into a second day past their deadline, with diplomats saying prospects for a preliminary agreement were finely balanced between success and collapse in the coming h


Iran, powers to work on nuke draft next month

Iran and world powers will begin work drafting a long-term settlement of Iran's disputed nuclear programme at expert-level talks in New York next month, the official state news agency IRNA has reported. During the May 5-9 meet


Iran committed to talks 'despite US unsuitable actions'

Iran will continue nuclear negotiations with world powers despite "unsuitable actions" which led to it halting technical talks in Vienna, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sunday. The United States on Thursda


Brent hits 4-month low on ample supply, Iran talks

Brent crude fell towards $104 a barrel on Thursday to a fresh four month low as plentiful supplies and continued progress in talks between Iran and the West over Tehran's disputed nuclear programme weighed on prices. Investors


Big powers leave Iran nuke talks empty handed

World powers failed to make progress with Iran in two days of talks on its nuclear program, with the EU calling the discussions disappointing and saying no further meetings between the two sides were planned. 'This is not the conclusio

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