Tuesday 18 June 2024
gasoline price

UAE cuts March gasoline prices, raises diesel

The United Arab Emirates will reduce domestic prices for gasoline in March while raising them for diesel, the ministry of energy said on Sunday. The price of a litre of octane 95 gasoline will fall to Dh1.36 ($0.37) from Dh1.47 at


Fuel subsidy reform is credit positive for UAE

Last Wednesday, the UAE announced gasoline and diesel price deregulation starting August 1, effectively phasing out fuel subsidies. The measures are credit positive for the UAE and Abu Dhabi, a Moody’s report said. The measu


Iran petrol prices shoot up as subsidies cut

The price of gasoline will rise four-fold in Iran in the coming days, state television announced late on Saturday, as the most politically sensitive part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's subsidy cuts plan takes effect. Iranians have

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