Monday 3 June 2024
Sharm El-Sheikh

Sharm El-Sheikh Airport security procedures to be finalised

Security delegations from the UK, Russia and Germany are set to finalise the renewed security procedures at Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada airports by mid-December to restore trips from the UK to South Sinai before the end of the month, accordin


Kuwait Airways to launch Sharm el-Sheikh flights

Kuwait Airways will launch direct flights to Sharm el-Sheikh starting on December 1 to support Egypt's tourism sector following a Russian plane crash that killed 224 people, Kuwait's minister of information was quoted as saying.


UK hopes flights could leave Sharm El-Sheikh on Friday

British Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said on Thursday Britain hoped flights back to the UK from the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh could resume on Friday. "We do not expect flights to leave today but we do hope


Egypt urges Germany to ease travel advisory

Egypt is urging Germany to ease its advice against travel to the entire Sinai peninsula after security concerns following the fatal bombing of a tourist bus prompted operators to bring back holidaymakers from the Sharm el-Sheikh Red Sea resort l


Mubarak to be moved to Egypt army hospital

Egypt's ousted president Hosni Mubarak will be moved to a military hospital until he is well enough to face interrogation in a corruption investigation, the prosecutor said, as the army rulers seek to show they are serious about putting him on tri


German tourist killed in Egypt shark attack

A shark killed a German tourist who had been swimming near the shore at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on Sunday, days after a string of attacks injured several divers, Egypt health officials said. The body of the 70-year-old woman

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