Monday 17 June 2024
Muammar Gaddafi

Rebels flee as Gaddafi forces fight back

Diehard loyalists of Muammar Gaddafi unleashed barrages of rockets and mortars to beat back an assault by interim government forces on one of their last bastions in Libya's desert and also held off an advance into his home town. Forced


Gaddafi sends tanks amid clashes in Zawiyah

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi sent armoured forces into a western town to reassert control on Saturday but ran into rebel resistance and Arab satellite television channels said tanks fired at residential buildings. 'Now with all the ar


Maersk Line signs key Daewoo deal

Maersk Line, a leading shipping company, has signed a contract with Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering to build 10 of the world's largest and most efficient vessels. The contract includes an option for an additional 20 vess


Gaddafi defiant in face of mounting protests

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi signalled his defiance in the face of a mounting revolt against his 41-year rule on Tuesday, making a brief appearance on state television and denying he had fled the country. His forces have cracked down fier


Humiliated Gaddafi 'caused nuclear scare'

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi caused a month-long nuclear scare in 2009 when he delayed the return to Russia of radioactive material in an apparent fit of diplomatic pique, leaked US embassy cables showed. The incident was kept secret by U

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