Friday 14 June 2024
Air traffic controllers

UAE celebrates air traffic controllers' achievements

The UAE General Civil Aviation Authority hosted a special event to mark the contribution and dedication of the UAE's Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs). The UAE is considered to have some of the busiest skies in the region and th


Spanish air traffic controllers call new strikes

Spanish air traffic controllers will restart partial strikes in the coming weeks in protest against sanctions imposed by airport authorities on some staff, unions said on Monday. Controllers will strike between 0600 CET and 1800 C


Bucharest airport flights delayed over strike

Romanian air traffic controllers went on a two-hour strike at Bucharest's main airport on Wednesday, delaying dozens of flights, to protest against their employer's failure to approve a long-delayed labour contract. In the


Officials walkout shuts Madrid air space

A walkout by air traffic controllers over pay closed air space around Madrid on Friday at the start of one of the country's busiest long weekends, state-owned airport authority AENA said. Air space around the holiday destinations of Ibiza,

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