Sunday 2 June 2024

Qatari royals barred from entering Egypt

Egypt’s airport authorities have barred two members of Qatar’s royal family from entering the country as they did not carry a visa, state news agency MENA said. The men, identified by MENA as Khalifa bin Jassim bin Ahm


Abu Dhabi relieves five royals of cabinet role

Five members of Abu Dhabi's ruling family were relieved of their positions on the emirate's executive council on Sunday, in a reshuffle seen as a bid to inject new blood into the de facto cabinet.    The move -- the


Kuwait royals to be quizzed over TV station attack

Kuwaiti prosecutors have called two members of the ruling family for questioning in connection with a mob attack on a private television station, the men's lawyer said on Tuesday. The mob was objecting to comments made on a Scope TV talk s

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