Sunday 16 June 2024
new staff

Lufthansa to hire over 3,000 new staff in 2017

German carrier Lufthansa has announced plans to hire more than 3,000 new staff in 2017. It is mostly flight attendants who will join the various airlines of the Lufthansa Group in 2017, said a statement from Lufthansa.


Businesses to go on hiring spree, says survey

Businesses across the globe are looking to hire new staff, in one of the first signs that economic recovery is on a sustainable upward trajectory. In the UAE, about 34 per cent of companies plan to add new staff next year, according to a 


Firms ‘planning to hire new staff'

Businesses across the globe are now looking to hire new staff, in one of the first signs that global economic recovery and growth is on a sustainable upward trajectory, said a report. Over a third of companies (36 per cent) said they inten

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