Sunday 2 June 2024
oil stocks

Iran eyes building refineries abroad

Iran is buying stocks of crude oil refineries in European, Asian, African and South American countries and has plans to build refineries abroad, a report said. “Currently, buying stocks of crude oil refineries abroad is one


Iran eyes building refineries abroad

Iran is buying stocks of crude oil refineries in European, Asian, African and South American countries and has plans to build refineries abroad, a report said. “Currently, buying stocks of crude oil refineries abroad is one


Oil steady after surprise US crude stocks drop

Oil prices were little changed on Thursday, holding on to gains after rebounding the previous day on data showing a drop in crude stockpiles in the US, the world's biggest consumer. Oil had undergone a severe correction in the past two


Opec sees slow demand, surplus oil stocks

A surplus of oil stocks will continue for many months as global demand remains sluggish, Opec has forecast. The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said that demand for oil will continue to grow slowly for the remainder of 20

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