Monday 3 June 2024
Heavy rains

26 dead as heavy rains hit Kerala; situation grim, says CM

At least 26 people have died in rain-related incidents across Kerala over the last 24 hours with 17 of them being killed in landslides in Idukki and Malapuram districts as heavy rains lashed the south Indian state. Landslides and


Saudi Aramco project launch hit by heavy rains

State oil giant Saudi Aramco was forced to postpone the launch of several mega projects in the Eastern Province owing to the continuing bad weather and heavy rainfall in the kingdom, said a report. These development projects were


Saudi Aramco project launch hit by heavy rains

State oil giant Saudi Aramco was forced to postpone the launch of several mega projects in the Eastern Province owing to the continuing bad weather and heavy rainfall in the kingdom, said a report. These development projects were


Heavy rains, floods kill 24 in Yemen, Saudi

Fierce rains and floods have killed 24 people in northwest Yemen and southwest Saudi Arabia and cut off several villages, local media and government officials said. Heavy downpours in Yemen's Wasab Safil district forced a dam to burst

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