Monday 23 December 2024
market fund

ICD launches Middle East operations

ICD Middle East (ICD), a subsidiary of UK-based Institutional Cash Distributors, has launched its money market fund trading and risk management operations in the Middle East from its new office in Dubai. A premier money market fund trading


Sico, BSE sign deal to list major fund

Bahrain-based Securities and Investment Company (Sico) has signed an agreement with the Bahrain Stock Exchange (BSE) to list its Sico Money Market Fund. BSE director Fouad Rashid said this listing is in line with the increasing interest in


EFG Hermes launches key market fund

EFG Hermes, a leading investment bank in the region, has announced that it has successfully closed the initial subscription period for its newest money market fund, the Arab Investment Bank Money Market Fund. Following its launch in late M

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