Wednesday 19 June 2024
EU ban

Opec output surges to 31.4m bpd in March

The crude oil production from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) increased to 31.39 million barrels per day (bpd) in March compared to 31.27 million bpd the previous month, according to a new report. This ma


EU ban may be a boon for Iran oilfields

Europe's ban on Iranian oil, aimed at piling pressure on Tehran over its nuclear programme, may end up breathing new life into the country's ageing oilfields, according to Western and Iranian oil experts. If Iran were forced to shut in any


Australia to follow EU lead on Iran sanctions

Australia will follow the European Union's lead in banning oil imports and imposing a range of other sanctions on Iran, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said on Tuesday. Rudd said later that Australian imports of Iranian oil were alr


EU to lift ban on Egyptian vegetable imports

Egyptian exports to Europe of some fresh vegetables including green beans and peas are set to resume soon, after EU states voted on Thursday to partially lift an import ban imposed in the wake of a deadly E. coli outbreak. But the 27-natio


Safi suspends Kabul-Frankfurt flights

Safi Airways, the leading international airline of Afghanistan, has announced the suspension of its Frankfurt to Kabul route with effect from January 10. The recently announced EU ban preventing the entry of Afghan registered aircraft into


EU expands safety ban on Iran Air flights

The European Union has extended a flight safety ban on Iran Air to exclude more of the carrier's aircraft from EU airspace, the European Commission said on Tuesday. Two thirds of the Iran Air fleet is now prohibited from flying into th

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