Sunday 2 June 2024
Crude refinery

Yemen imports more fuel, crude supply still off

Yemen has had to raise its imports of fuel, buying another seven cargoes since last week, a shipping source said on Wednesday, as its biggest refinery was forced to shut due to lack of crude flow from its main pipeline. "They've been recei


Bapco probe is launched

An investigation into absenteeism at Bapco over the past month has been launched by Bahrain's parliament. A special committee was set up to handle the probe to uncover irregularities in the company in an urgent move by MPs. It


Moneefa at full capacity only in 2024

State oil giant Saudi Aramco does not expect its giant 900,000 barrels per day Moneefa project to pump at full volume until January 2024, according to the company's annual review. The start-up date for the project of 2013 was unchanged

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