Saturday 1 June 2024
Gulf United Steel Holding Company

Bahrain steel maker plans $5m investments

Bahrain-based Gulf United Steel Holding Company (Foulath) said the company is looking at investments of $3 million to $5 million in a mining company to fill the gap in its steel integration plans. “We will go for a consortium. We wis


Foulath wins top environment award

Gulf United Steel Holding Company (Foulath) has been honoured for its commitment to and efforts in implementing the latest environmental protection systems. Foulath, which is among Bahrain's largest investors and employers, was recogni


Foulath wins top environment award

Gulf United Steel Holding Company (Foulath) has been honoured for its commitment to and efforts in implementing the latest environmental protection systems. Foulath, which is among Bahrain's largest investors and employers, was recogni


Foulath opens $3.5bn integrated steel plant

Bahrain-based Gulf United Steel Holding Company (Foulath), a leading global steel investment vehicle, on Tuesday inaugurated its mammoth steel manufacturing complex in the Kingdom built at a cost of $3.5 billion. A ceremony was held under

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