Saturday 1 June 2024
Abu Dhabi media Summit

Affordable Net key for growth says pioneer

Affordable internet access is crucial to the growth of developing nations, World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee told the opening session of the Abu Dhabi Media Summit. He was speaking via satellite link at the summit, held


Alwaleed, Gates in key private meeting

Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, the chairman of investment firm Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) held a private meeting with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates during his recent visit to Abu Dhabi. The two met on t


Google chief sees outcome ‘soon’ in China row

Google expects an outcome soon from its talks with China over a censorship and hacking dispute, chief executive Eric Schmidt said at the ongoing Abu Dhabi Media Summit. Google threatened in January to shut its Chinese portal and


Murdoch aims for original Arab content

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp has ambitions to produce Arab content to serve 335 million people in the region and abroad, helped by its partnership with Saudi-based media group Rotana. News Corp agreed last month to buy 9 per cent of Saud

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