Sunday 2 June 2024
Gordon Brown

Iraq inquiry to question UK PM after election

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other members of his government will not appear before an inquiry into the Iraq war until after a general election next year, the inquiry team said on Wednesday. John Chilcot, who is leading the inqu


Adipec sees record turn-out

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (Adipec), one of the world’s largest oil and gas events, opened to record crowd with over 18,000 international and regional visitors flooding through its doors on the first day. L


Opec output cut wrong says Brown

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said it would be 'wrong' for the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) to cut production just as oil prices are falling. 'I'm concerned when I hear that the Opec countr


Economy poses biggest risk for UK's Brown

Forget the missing discs, a bank run or even the latest party funding scandal, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's biggest challenge is the economy and what happens to the nation's once-booming housing market. Brown hopes the political s


Brown in Iraq to discuss Basra handover

Britain's Gordon Brown arrived in Baghdad on his first visit as prime minister to discuss when Iraqi forces can take responsibility for security in the southern province of Basra, a British official said. Brown's trip comes before he makes


Brown to boycott summit if Mugabe attends

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he would not attend a European Union-Africa summit in Lisbon in December if Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was present. "I believe that, if he attended, President Mugabe would undermine the summ


Brown to lobby EU on greener VAT

Gordon Brown has said he will push for lower taxes on environmentally friendly products across the European Union. Brown said the UK and France would seek to persuade other nations of the need for an EU-wide cut on VAT levied on less poll


UK 'was right to expel Russians'

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said the UK will make "no apologies" for expelling four Russian diplomats. The decision follows Moscow's refusal to hand over the former KGB agent accused of murdering Alexander Litvinenko in London last ye


Brown wants terror register

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he wanted a central register of known or suspected terrorists so that information could be shared internationally. He spoke as his new Security Minister Admiral Alan West warned the defeat of milita


UK terror threat 'now critical'

The UK has been placed on its highest level of terrorism alert after an attack on Glasgow Airport was linked to two car bombs found in London. Two men were arrested after ramming a burning car into the airport's main terminal, a day after

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