Monday 17 June 2024
Oman Investment Corporation

Oman-UK venture wins $331m airport contract

A consortium comprising Oman Investment Corporation (OIC) and the UK-based Ultra Electronics has won a RO127.5 million ($331 million) systems integration project at the Muscat and Salalah airports. OIC, a leading private equity investment


OIC venture wins $1bn water and power project

Oman Investment Corporation (OIC) announced that its JV with Sembcorp Utilities of Singapore has signed a 15-year contract to supply power and water to the state-owned Oman Power and Water Procurement Company. The joint venture company, Se


OIC venture wins $1bn water and power project

Oman Investment Corporation (OIC) announced that its JV with Sembcorp Utilities of Singapore has signed a 15-year contract to supply power and water to the state-owned Oman Power and Water Procurement Company. The joint venture company, Se

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