Monday 17 June 2024
US planes

US allows American-made planes to be flown to Iran

The United States said on Friday it would allow foreign airlines to fly US-made aircraft to Iran, providing greater assurance to aviation companies as Iran tries to re-establish trade and business links following the lifting of sanctions.


US planes strike Iraqi militants, drop aid near held town

The US carried out air strikes on Saturday against Islamic State fighters near the besieged Shi'ite town of Amerli in northern Iraq and airdropped humanitarian aid to civilians trapped there, the Pentagon said. President Barac


Two US-bound parcels spark security alerts

Two suspicious packages being flown from Yemen to the US were found in Britain and Dubai on Friday after a tip prompted authorities to search cargo planes on both sides of the Atlantic. 'Both of these packages originated from Yemen,


Mitsubishi wins deal for 100 US jets

A Mitsubishi Heavy Industries unit said that it had won an order for up to 100 regional jets from a US airline, breathing life into Japan's nascent aircraft industry. Trans States Holdings (TSH), America's second-biggest independen

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