Saturday 15 June 2024
Saudi oil minister

New Saudi oil minister first in Vienna for Opec meet

When Opec holds its half-yearly meetings, what time the ministers arrive in Vienna, how they speak and which hotel they stay in - anything will be analysed in an attempt to predict its policies. So it was seen as a sign that new S


Saudi oil minister holds talks with US energy deputy

Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi met US Deputy Energy Secretary Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall on Tuesday in Riyadh where they discussed oil markets, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported. SPA gave no specific details about th


Saudi oil minister sees no change at Opec meet

Opec will not change its production target when its ministers meet later this month as oil prices are at the desired levels, Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi said in remarks published on Sunday. With oil around $75 a barrel, several


Opec set to hold supply steady, likes oil price

Oil at close to $70 means Opec will almost certainly keep existing output cuts in place when it meets in Vienna on Wednesday, although it could seek to tighten compliance with existing targets, ministers and delegates said. "The market is

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