Sunday 2 June 2024

Dewa completes studies for Hatta power plant

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) has completed the engineering studies related to the 250-MW hydroelectric power station in Hatta, which will use the water stored in the Hatta Dam. This is part of the Dh58-million ($15


Dewa completes studies for Hatta power plant

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) has completed the engineering studies related to the 250-MW hydroelectric power station in Hatta, which will use the water stored in the Hatta Dam. This is part of the Dh58-million ($15


Lafarge signs two deals to manage RDF platforms in Egypt

Lafarge Industrial Ecology (Ecocem) has signed two major contracts to manage and operate existing refuse-derived fuel (RDF) platforms in Suez and Qalyubeya, Egypt. It includes a 10-year agreement to renovate and upgrade the platfo


Lafarge signs two deals to manage RDF platforms in Egypt

Lafarge Industrial Ecology (Ecocem) has signed two major contracts to manage and operate existing refuse-derived fuel (RDF) platforms in Suez and Qalyubeya, Egypt. It includes a 10-year agreement to renovate and upgrade the platfo


ACC to substitute natural gas with coal

Egypt-based Arabian Cement Company (ACC) has taken all steps needed to substitute natural gas with coal and refused derived fuel (RDF) as energy sources in its plant, said its CEO Jose Maria Magrina. He said that the company has a


ACC to substitute natural gas with coal

Egypt-based Arabian Cement Company (ACC) has taken all steps needed to substitute natural gas with coal and refused derived fuel (RDF) as energy sources in its plant, said its CEO Jose Maria Magrina. He said that the company has a


TV firm plans interactive cartoon series

Reality production company RDF aims to launch the first interactive animated series in the United States. The firm behind such shows as Fox's “Don't Forget the Lyrics”' and ABC's  “Wife Swap'' is teaming with n

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