Sunday 2 June 2024
clean up

EEG launches big Umm Al-Quwain clean up drive

The Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) organised a ‘Clean Up UAE’ campaign at the Umm Al-Quwain Fishing Village which resulted in the collection of 6,000 tons of waste over a period of five days. This year’s driv


EEG launches big Umm Al-Quwain clean up drive

The Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) organised a ‘Clean Up UAE’ campaign at the Umm Al-Quwain Fishing Village which resulted in the collection of 6,000 tons of waste over a period of five days. This year’s driv


Salalah Rotana staff participate in beach clean-up drive

Staff members of Salalah Rotana Resort, a leading five-star hotel in Oman, participated in a beach clean-up drive at the popular Salalah Beach as part of the group’s corporate social responsibility efforts. The activity brought to


Diyar Al Muharraq plans clean-up drive

Diyar Al Muharraq, one of Bahrain’s biggest mixed-use residential urban developments, said it is embarking on an eco-friendly clean up campaign this week to mark the World Environment Day on June 5. World Environment Day is one of the prin


Emirates Gas joins UAE clean-up campaign

Volunteers from Emirates Gas, a subsidiary of Emirates National Oil Company (Enoc), participated in the annual ‘Clean Up UAE 2009’ campaign organised by Emirates Environment Group. The campaign aimed at promoting general awareness among me


World youth tell leaders to clean up

An international gathering of youth and children, billed as the largest ever of its type on climate change, has pressed world leaders to do far more to curb damage to the environment. "We young people -- 3 billion of the world population -

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