Sunday 2 June 2024
Construction costs

Saudi Arabia's construction costs up 1.9pc in 12 months

The construction costs across Saudi Arabia surged by 1.9 per cent during the third quarter compared to the same period last year mainly driven by key industry issues linked to workload and labour, said a report by Canadian real estate expert Col


Middle East construction costs 'world's flattest'

The Middle East will see the flattest increase in the cost of construction globally this year, as the effect of recovering oil prices takes time to translate into increased investment, according to new research from global professional services


Construction costs edge up in Dubai in 2016

The construction costs index in Dubai increased marginally during 2016 to 100.66 - up 0.06 per cent over 100.60 in 2015, a report said. Dubai Statistics Centre attributed the growth to an increase in the raw material costs index f


UAE construction costs seen staying flat in 2016

Construction tenders and costs are projected to remain flat in the UAE this year due to low cash availability, said a report from Ken Research, a leading market research and data analytics company. Despite the challenges, construc


Qatar to mediate in construction sector

Qatar is aiming to keep construction costs including labour and material costs in check by taking a hands-on approach, a report said. It is looking to regulate commodities by creating a single buying source to import into the coun


India urges pay boost for millions of Gulf workers

India is pressing rich countries in the Gulf to raise the wages of millions of Indians working there, causing concerns in the region’s construction industry about increase in labour costs. Over five million Indian nationals


India urges higher pay for millions of Gulf workers

India is pressing rich countries in the Gulf to raise the wages of millions of Indians working there, in a drive that could secure it billions of dollars in fresh income but risks pricing some of its citizens out of the market. Ov


Bahrain construction ‘most expensive in ME’

Bahrain has been named as the Middle East’s most expensive country to build and appears in the top twenty list of the most expensive countries across the globe in an international cost report. The price of construction in Bahrain is the sa


Orascom unit to boost capital, fund growth

Real estate and hotels firm Orascom Development said on Monday it would increase its capital by 185 million Swiss francs ($183 million) to speed up its growth plans and take advantage of construction costs. The capital increase will be don


Low construction costs ‘push activity’ in Ajman

A lower cost of construction, driven by the significant drop in prices of building materials, is encouraging greater activity with the Ajman property market, says a top contractor. Sweet Homes General Contracting (SHGC), the in-house

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