Tuesday 18 June 2024

Collectibles investment ‘can better normal assets’

Collectable investments of passion can still outperform more mainstream asset classes, according to the latest results from the Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index (KFLII), which rose by six per cent over the 12 months to June. T


Dubai design fair sees 8,500 high-end visitors

The first edition of Design Days Dubai, the Middle East and South Asia’s first fair dedicated to collectible and limited edition furniture and design objects, recorded a turnout of 8,500 high-end visitors. The recently concluded four-day e


Collectibles go on show for DSS

An exhibition featuring various unique collectibles and artifacts will he held at Wafi, a shopping centre in Dubai with more than 350 unique stores, as part of the ongoing Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS). DSS 2009, a shopping and family enter

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