Sunday 2 June 2024
Bahrain Livestock Company

Private sale of sheep banned in Bahrain

Private sales of sheep from the Bahrain Livestock Company (BLC) feedlot in Sitra have been banned after Australia launched a review of its live animal export trade. A government study was set up after video footage emerged showing the mist


Call to stop import of animals for slaughter

An international animal rights organisation has called on Bahrain to stop the import of live animals for slaughter. The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), the largest alliance of animal welfare organisations, recommends th


Bahrain increases livestock supply for Ramadan

Bahrain Livestock Company (BLC) has begun stockpiling sheep and cattle to avoid shortages during Ramadan. It is planning to supply 110,000 sheep and about 3,000 heads of cattle, said chairman Ebrahim Zainal. He revealed the first m


Bahrain denies livestock company losses

Bahrain’s Finance Ministry denied that Bahrain Livestock Company (BLC) was suffering continuous losses, responding to allegations in the local Press. 'The firm posted a BD592,000 ($1.57 million) net profit as shown in the audited final

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