Saturday 1 June 2024
building code

Standard GCC building code by year-end

A standard building code for the Gulf states will be launched by the year-end, said a report. Various ministerial committees and agencies concerned with housing will be consulted before the unified code is finalised for launch, re


New building codes for UAE medical facilities

The UAE has started implementing international building codes for the healthcare facilities with focus on its planning and designing in bid to create world-class medical infrastructures in the country, said a report. The Ministry


New building codes for UAE medical facilities

The UAE has started implementing international building codes for the healthcare facilities with focus on its planning and designing in bid to create world-class medical infrastructures in the country, said a report. The Ministry


Bahrain to have new building code

Bahrain could soon be forced to follow a tough new building code as part of a regional push to standardise the construction industry across the region. Delegates will join their counterparts from the other five Gulf countries in Doha on Mo


Abu Dhabi to implement new building code

The Department of Municipal Affairs in Abu Dhabi has taken a step closer towards implementing a world-class building code across the emirate which will deliver better buildings in which to live and work. The move follows a meeting with the

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