Sunday 16 June 2024
Iran elections

Rouhani cheers election wins, says govt stronger

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani earned a vote of confidence and reformist partners secured surprise gains in parliament in early results from elections that could accelerate the Islamic Republic's emergence from years of isolation.


Mousavi rally in doubt after Khamenei warning

Backers of beaten presidential candidate Mirhossein Mousavi will decide on Saturday whether to defy a stern warning by Iran's top authority and stage mass protests over a disputed election. Iran's top legislative body holds an extr


Ahmadinejad wins election

State media early Saturday morning declared Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner of Iran's presidential election. However, his challenger and former premier Mirhossein Mousavi alleged irregularities and claimed victory for himself, according


Economy Ahmadinejad's big election test

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces a challenge from reformers as the Islamic Republic heads to a presidential election amid a situation where the loudest complaints in Tehran are still rising consumer prices and lack of jobs. "There

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