Tuesday 18 June 2024

VW explores LeasePlan sale as part of cost cutting drive

Volkswagen is in talks to sell a 50 per cent stake in financing arm LeasePlan to a consortium including the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, a source familiar with the plan said, as the carmaker cuts costs and refocuses its business.


Volkswagen with new partner for joint venture

The Volkswagen Group has reached agreement with a new long-term oriented partner for its Dutch shareholding LeasePlan Corporation in the shape of Fleet Investments, an investment company of the German banker Friedrich von Metzler. Both co-


Volkswagen with new partner for joint venture

The Volkswagen Group has reached agreement with a new long-term oriented partner for its Dutch shareholding LeasePlan Corporation in the shape of Fleet Investments, an investment company of the German banker Friedrich von Metzler. Both co-

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