Saturday 15 June 2024
Investment Park

Bahrain set to become hub for filmmakers

London-based Twickenham Film Group (TFG) is studying plans to film parts of its new blockbuster action film in Bahrain as it branches out to set up a film studio and academy, turning the country into a hub for filmmakers. However, it is st


Bahrain opens 2 factories at investment park

Two new manufacturing facilities at a total cost of more than $9 million officially opened at the Bahrain International Investment Park (BIIP). Bahrain Industrial Filters and Gulf Temperature Sensors at Salman Industrial City, Hidd, each s


Manara, Chase to develop investment project

Manara Developments, a Bahrain-based real estate development company, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Chase Perdana, a leading Malaysian construction firm, towards developing the investment park of Al Hidd city. Manara

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