Monday 17 June 2024

Next IMF boss likely to come from outside Europe

The next managing director of the International Monetary Fund is likely to come from outside Europe when current leader Christine Lagarde eventually leaves, the deputy head of the Washington-based fund said in an interview broadcast on Saturday.


Ex-BP boss eyes Kurdish oil giant

Vallares, the bid vehicle of former BP boss Tony Hayward and financier Nat Rothschild, is in early stage talks to buy Genel Enerji, the biggest oil producer in Kurdistan in northern Iraq, the Sunday Times said. The newspaper cited unidenti


Bahrain warns rogue bosses

Sponsors who do not return their employees' passports within 30 days after cancelling their visas will be considered as human traffickers by Bahrain, an official has revealed. Indian Ambassador Dr George Joseph quoted a senior Bahraini


The Office Exhibition success

A variety of Middle East product launches took place at the ninth Office Exhibition, a leading showcase for the high-end products, technology and services, which closed today (February 11) after a successful three-day run. The HP-sponsored


Being the boss 'can take its toll on health'

Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also take a toll on physical and mental well-being, according to a Canadian study. For years studies have shown people in lower-status jobs generally have higher rates of


Bahrain bosses hit back at jobs decision

Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) has denied approving plans to scrap the sponsorship system for foreign workers. 'Businessmen are still reticent over the decision itself and the mechanisms for its implementation,' it

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