Saturday 1 June 2024
Bahrain International eGovernment Forum

Avaya backs Bahrain International eGovernment Forum

Avaya, a global provider of business collaboration and communications solutions, has announced its participation as the diamond sponsor of the upcoming Bahrain International eGovernment Forum 2015. The forum will feature keynotes,


Avaya backs Bahrain International eGovernment Forum

Avaya, a global provider of business collaboration and communications solutions, has announced its participation as the diamond sponsor of the upcoming Bahrain International eGovernment Forum 2015. The forum will feature keynotes,


Bahrain e-services push to cost $79m

A hi-tech makeover for the Bahrain government will have cost BD30 million ($79.6 million) by the time the project is completed, it has emerged. That is how much it is costing to put all government services online, eGovernment Authority chi


GCC eGovernments to exchange know-how

The chiefs of eGovernment bodies in the GCC will hold a special session to discuss and share the best practices and experiences at an upcoming eGovernment forum in


Top speakers at Bahrain eGovernment forum

The second Bahrain International eGovernment Forum, to be held from May 25 to 27 at the Bahrain International Exhibition centre, will see several eminent speakers discuss key issues linked to eGovernment. The forum is being held under the

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