Monday 17 June 2024
Saudi Almarai

Saudi Almarai wins approval for big capital increase

Saudi Arabia's Almarai, the largest dairy company in the Gulf, said it has won approval from its shareholders to increase its capital from SR8 billion ($2.1 billion) to SR10 billion ($2.6 billion).   This inc


Almarai Q1 net profit up 18.6pc

Saudi Arabia's Almarai Company, the Gulf's largest dairy firm by market value, said its first-quarter net profit rose 18.6 per cent. The company made SR234.1 million ($62.43 million) in the three months to March 31 compared to a ne


Almarai plans $173m infant formula unit

Saudi Arabia-based Almarai, the Gulf's largest dairy company by market value, plans to invest SR650 million ($173.3 million) in a project to make infant formula. 'Studies conducted by the company have shown the strategic

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