Monday 3 June 2024
new service

DED launches two new eServices

The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) has unveiled two new eServices on its website to reserve and renew trade names. The new services on the DED website is aimed at


Aramex launches new Value Express

Aramex, the global logistics and transportation solutions provider, has announced the launch of its Value Express service for express shipments within the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia regions. Aramex Value Express is part of th


Gulf Bank launches ‘No Fee Banking’ service

Gulf Bank on Sunday launched its latest ‘No Fee Banking’ service which, it said, was created to give an exclusive deal to young Kuwaitis beginning their careers. The special package of benefits, designed to reduce their initial banking cos


DIFC Courts implements new services

The DIFC Courts has announced the implementation of two new services, an online case management system and an urgent case application facility, to further improve the case hearing capabilities of the Courts. DIFC Courts is the Dubai Intern

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