Sunday 2 June 2024
safety drill

Zonescorp holds fire, chemical leakage safety drills

Zonescorp, the largest developer and operator of purpose-built industrial zones in the UAE, recently conducted extensive fire and chemical leakage drills at Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD)’s Gulf Fluor facilities. The ex


Zonescorp holds fire, chemical leakage safety drills

Zonescorp, the largest developer and operator of purpose-built industrial zones in the UAE, recently conducted extensive fire and chemical leakage drills at Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD)’s Gulf Fluor facilities. The ex


Batelco conducts safety drill

Batelco, the Kingdom’s leading telecommunications provider has successfully completed its annual corporate-wide rehearsal and testing of the company’s business continuity plan (BCP) at the company’s Hamala Headquarters. The drill takes a p

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