Tuesday 18 June 2024

Dnata inks deal for Schiphol cargo handling operations

Dubai-based dnata has reached an agreement with aircraft ground handling services company Aviapartner to acquire its cargo handling operations at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. As well as full cargo handling operations, this facility


Dnata inks deal for Schiphol cargo handling operations

Dubai-based dnata has reached an agreement with aircraft ground handling services company Aviapartner to acquire its cargo handling operations at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. As well as full cargo handling operations, this facility


'No new landing rights for Gulf carriers in Schiphol'

Air carriers from the Gulf states will not be given new landing rights at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, a senior official was quoted as saying. The tough decision stems from the threat faced by region’s national carriers due


Turkish Airlines plane crash toll 9

A Turkish Airlines passenger plane with 135 people aboard crashed in light fog while trying to land at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on Wednesday, and an official said nine people were killed. Haarlemmermeer acting Mayor Michel Bezuijen


Turkish plane crashes in Amsterdam; 5 dead

A Turkish Airlines passenger plane with 134 people aboard crashed in light fog while trying to land at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on Wednesday, and Dutch television said 5 people had been killed. "The aircraft crashed in a field outside


Turkish airliner crashes at Schiphol, 1 dead

A Turkish Airlines passenger plane with 135 people aboard crashed on landing at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on Wednesday, killing one person and injuring 20, authorities and Turkish media said. The plane, on a flight from Istanbul, br

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