Sunday 2 June 2024
Mumbai airport

Mumbai airport clamp on Kingfisher

Troubled Indian carrier Kingfisher Airlines has flown into fresh turbulence after one of the country's busiest airports told it to pay its bills or be grounded. Mumbai airport bosses have told the cash-strapped airline, which is India&


Turkish Airlines plane skids off runway

A Turkish Airlines plane from Istanbul skidded off the runway after landing at Mumbai (Bombay) airport in India as a result of excessive rainfall. The Airbus 340 was carrying 104 passengers including 11 crew. The passengers and the crew we


Depa swings to H1 net profit

Depa, a leading interior contracting company, returned to a first half net profit of Dh48 million ($13 million) this year after posting a Dh103.7 million loss during the same period in 2010. Annoucing the results on Wednesday, Depa CEO Moh


Narrow escape for Gulf Air passengers

Passengers on board a Bahrain-bound Gulf Air flight from Mumbai had a providential escape last night after one of the aircraft's engines caught fire moments before take-off. An air traffic control official (ATC) at Mumbai's Chhatra

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