Monday 17 June 2024
Iran banks

Iran banks cut deposit rates as sanctions lift

Iranian commercial banks have agreed to cut their deposit rates in a move welcomed by the central bank, after the lifting of economic sanctions on Tehran brought hopes for a further fall of inflation and faster economic growth. Th


UK mulls letting Iran banks operate in London

British regulators are considering whether to allow two Iranian banks in London to resume operations after years of sanctions, two sources familiar with the matter said. Melli Bank and Persia International Bank will only be able t


Iranian banks to cut rates after inflation plunge

Iranian banks agreed on Saturday to cut deposit and lending rates, the head of Iran's largest commercial bank said, after a sharp fall of inflation gave policymakers more room to pursue faster economic growth. "The direct


West sanctions draft targets overseas Iran banks

A Western proposal for fresh UN sanctions on Iran includes a call for restricting new Iranian banks abroad and urges 'vigilance' against the Islamic Republic's central bank, said top diplomats. Speaking on condition of anonymit


West sanctions draft targets overseas Iran banks

A Western proposal for fresh UN sanctions on Iran includes a call for restricting new Iranian banks abroad and urges 'vigilance' against the Islamic Republic's central bank, said top diplomats. Speaking on condition of anonymit


Iranian banks 'have $38 billion loans in arrears'

The Iranian banking system has loans worth $38 billion, almost twice its amount of capital, in arrears, a senior official said in remarks published on Saturday, describing it as a 'serious problem'. Mostafa Pourmohammadi, head of t


Iranian banks to issue forex CDs

The central bank will allow Iranian banks to issue certificates of deposits (CDs) denominated in foreign currencies, official media reported on Sunday. The central bank said in a statement the total ceiling for CDs issued would be 1 billio

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