Sunday 2 June 2024
space tourism

Space tourism set back by Virgin test flight crash

The wait for paying passengers to see Earth from the vantage point of space looked a lot longer on Friday, following the fatal crash of Virgin Galactic's first spaceship, but aspiring space tourists did not appear to be lining up for refunds


Space tourism set back by crash, but industry hopeful

The wait for paying passengers to see Earth from the vantage point of space looked a lot longer on Friday, following the fatal crash of Virgin Galactic's first spaceship, but aspiring space tourists did not appear to be lining up for refunds


Abu Dhabi to discuss space tourism future

Space experts from around the world will converge in Abu Dhabi to attend the inaugural Global Space Technology Forum to discuss the growing space industry and the future of Space Tourism. The forum will be held from November 16 to 18

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