Sunday 2 June 2024
steel market

Posco predicts global steel market rebound

Posco, the world's third-largest steelmaker, sees an improving global steel market in the next three months, after bottoming out this quarter, and is considering reducing price discounts as the recovery takes hold. The Korean firm last mon


Middle East steel market 'promising long-term'

The steel market in the Middle East region looks more promising despite short-term challenges such as global downturn and the lack of available project finance that have put the brakes on regional expansion projects, said a report. After f


Danube to invest in Bahraini steel market

Danube Building Materials said it will invest Dh40 million ($10.8 million) in the fast growing steel market in Bahrain as part of its plans to target the thriving construction market in the Kingdom. The investment comes at a time when

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