Saturday 1 June 2024
organic farming

GCC organic farming market seen at $1.5bn

The organic farming in the GCC is set to reach $1.5 billion by 2018, driven by evolving consumer tastes and change in health habits, said a top official, who led a delegation to participate in the recent Natural & Organic Products Europe exh


Organic farming ‘could aid environment’

The conversion of all UK farmland to organic farming would achieve the equivalent carbon savings to taking nearly one million cars off the road, the Soil Association has said. Britain's largest organic certification body, issuing results o


Organic farming ‘may help meet climate goals’

The conversion of all UK farmland to organic farming would achieve the equivalent carbon savings to taking nearly one million cars off the road, the Soil Association has said. Britain's largest organic certification body, issuing results o


Agri funds flood Singapore

Singapore is a business hub, a hi-tech city with swanky buildings and clean roads. And there's hardly any agriculture in the State, is the general impression. But surprisingly it is in Singapore that the largest number of agri-funds ge


Malaysian farmers prefer worm fertilisers

Worm farming for fertilizer projects to boost agriculture yields is being pioneered in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER), starting with the Pahang Farmers Organisation Authority, according to a Bernama report. Some 1,000 farmers from t

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