Wednesday 26 June 2024
monorail contract

Iraq awards $600 million monorail contract

Iraq's city of Najaf has awarded a Canadian company a $600 million contract to build the country's first monorail, an official said on Saturday. Anwar al-Haboobi, a member of the Najaf investment committee, told Reuters the project will be


Swiss group wins City of Arabia monorail project

Metrail AG of Switzerland has won a contract to provide a monorail system for the mass transit needs of Dubai's City of Arabia project. City of Arabia, being developed by Ilyas and Mustafa Galadari Group, is a spectacula


Swiss Metrail wins City of Arabia monorail contract

The Ilyas and Mustafa Galadari Group has signed an agreement with the Metrail monorail system from Metrail AG of Switzerland to serve the mass transit needs of the City of Arabia project. City of Arabia is a spectacular $5 billion retail,

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