Saturday 1 June 2024

Many with dementia unaware of condition says study

A substantial majority of older adults with probable dementia in the US have never been professionally diagnosed or are unaware of their condition, says a study.    A Johns Hopkins Medicine analysis of infor


Antiepileptic drugs increase risk of Alzheimer’s

The use of antiepileptic drugs is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, according to a new study from the University of Eastern Finland and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE).


Dementia victims to triple in 30 years: WHO

As the global population ages, the number of people living with dementia is expected to triple from 50 million to 152 million by 2050, said the World Health Organisation (WHO). "Nearly 10 million people develop dementia each


UK clinic offers help for Alzheimer’s patients

Re:Cognition Health, a leading UK clinic is offering help to Middle Eastern patients who suffer with memory loss and other symptoms of cognitive impairment. Re:Cognition Health is located in the Harley Street Medical Area, London


Global accord reached on key health issues

Delegates at the World Health Assembly in Genevea yesterday (May 29) reached new agreements on dementia; immunization; refugee and migrant health; substandard and falsified medical products, and the world drug problem.   Demen


Calcium supplements tied to dementia risk for women

Some older women who take calcium supplements commonly recommended to ward off age-related bone damage may face an increased risk of developing dementia, a small study suggests. The heightened dementia risk appears limited to wome


Wish highlights demetia concerns

The alarmingly increase in the number of people suffering from dementia has been highlighted in the latest report published by World Innovation Summit for Health (Wish), a global initiative of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Communit


Dementia costs hit $604bn in 2010, seen soaring

The worldwide costs of dementia will reach $604 billion in 2010, more than one per cent of global GDP output, according to a report. The costs will soar as the number of sufferers triples by 2050, the Alzheimer's Disease Internati


Novartis holds seminar on Alzheimer's disease

Novartis, a leader in the pharmaceutical industry, recently gave a series of lectures on Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most common forms of dementia, as part of its efforts to spread awareness about the distressing disease in Jordan. Att


Britain's 'Iron Lady' Thatcher has dementia

Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher - once known as one of the world's most formidable political minds - has been suffering from dementia for the past seven years, according to her daughter, Carol. Carol Thatcher tells in h

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