Friday 14 June 2024
stimulus package

Egypt to announce 2nd stimulus package in days

The details of Egypt's second stimulus package since Islamist President Mohamed Mursi was ousted in July will be announced within days, Finance Minister Ahmed Galal told reporters at an investment conference on Tuesday. Egypt&


Bahrain to unveil stimulus package soon

Bahrain is planning to announce the details of a multi-billion-dollar GCC-funded stimulus package this month as part of its plans to kick-start the economy after two months of disruption from protests. The plan is expected to include a mix


Egypt to propose new $2bn stimulus package

Egypt's government will soon propose a third economic stimulus package totalling 11.2 billion Egyptian pounds ($2.05 billion) to parliament, Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif said on Tuesday. 'After we consult with the Shura Council (uppe


Saudi stimulus boosts deal flow: expert

Saudi Arabia is witnessing increased deal flow as high government expenditure and development programmes stimulate financing requirements across the private sector, says an expert. “Not only has the government’s programme of fiscal stimulu


Japan mulls new stimulus to lift economy

Japan is considering more steps to fire up its economy on top of a planned 12 trillion yen ($131 billion) in new spending and tax cuts as the economy probably shrank an annualised 10 per cent in the last quarter of 2008, a newspaper reported.


US Congress passes stimulus

The US Congress passed a $787 billion stimulus plan to jump-start the economy on Friday, as G7 finance chiefs vowed to ward off the spectre of protectionism arising from deepening global recession. The US package of government spending and


Deal reached on $789bn US stimulus plan

US congressional negotiators have reached a deal on $789 billion in emergency spending and tax cuts, handing a big victory to President Barack Obama in his effort to pull the economy out of a steep tailspin. Negotiators in the House of Rep


Quick approval sought for stimulus package

Top aides to President Barack Obama have urged Democratic and Republican lawmakers to set aside political differences and quickly approve a massive economic stimulus package this week. "If there was ever a moment to transcend politics, thi


Japan creating $73bn stimulus package

Japan is drawing up an economic stimulus package worth eight trillion yen ($73 billion) to help businesses and consumers cope with soaring fuel and commodity prices, reports said on Saturday. News of the package came on the heels of a gove

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