Sunday 2 June 2024

Adobe launches Photoshop CS6 Beta

Adobe Systems has announced that Photoshop CS6 beta, a preview of what’s to come in the next release of the industry standard in digital imaging, is available as a free download from Adobe Labs. Customers can download the beta, try out the


Adobe launches Photoshop CS6 Beta

Adobe Systems has announced that Photoshop CS6 beta, a preview of what’s to come in the next release of the industry standard in digital imaging, is available as a free download from Adobe Labs. Customers can download the beta, try out the


Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 9 Beta version

Microsoft has released Windows Internet Explorer 9 Beta, the latest version of the popular Web browser. The release will enable developers, Web designers and internet users to try out the new features and innovations and prepare their site


Ayna launches beta eMap Service

Ayna Corporation has launched a beta version of Ayna Maps, a service that provides interactive maps of places and businesses for all major Arab capitals in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region. Said to be the first Arabic search

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