Sunday 2 June 2024
Midfield terminal

Abu Dhabi Airports' facilities get top Estidama ratings

Abu Dhabi Airports said it has received the 'Two 'Pearl' rating from Estidama, for the construction of two of its latest facilities - the district cooling plant of the Midfield Terminal (MTB) and the fire station at Sir Bani Yas Isla


Abu Dhabi Airports' facilities get top Estidama ratings

Abu Dhabi Airports said it has received the 'Two 'Pearl' rating from Estidama, for the construction of two of its latest facilities - the district cooling plant of the Midfield Terminal (MTB) and the fire station at Sir Bani Yas Isla


Abu Dhabi terminal to get IT gear from SITA

Abu Dhabi Airports recently announced a five-year partnership with SITA, a specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions, to provide the new Midfield Terminal with state-of-the-art IT infrastructure throughout the project.


Abu Dhabi terminal to get IT gear from SITA

Abu Dhabi Airports recently announced a five-year partnership with SITA, a specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions, to provide the new Midfield Terminal with state-of-the-art IT infrastructure throughout the project.


Six groups bid for Abu Dhabi airport terminal

Abu Dhabi International Airport's Midfield Terminal Complex (MTC) project has received bids from six consortia, according to a report. The $3.2 billion project is a part of the airport's Dh25 billion ($6.8 billion) redevelopment plan,


Etihad names terminal project manager

Etihad Airways has appointed Greg Brennan as the airline’s new project manager for the new Abu Dhabi midfield terminal, which is due to open in 2012. Brennan will manage all aspects of the new airport development on behalf of Etihad Airway

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