Saturday 15 June 2024
US Midwest

Nucor to build $1.35bn plate mill in US Midwest

Nucor Corporation, a leading US-based producer of steel and related products, has announced plans to build a state-of-the-art plate mill in the US Midwest at an investment of $1.35 billion. The company, headquartered in North Caro


Cool snap, drizzle help corn crop

  Light showers in nearly all of the US Midwest crop belt and cooler temperatures this week will help stabilise deterioration of corn and soybean plants that have already been severely harmed by the worst drought in more than a h


Tornadoes kill at least 31 in Midwest US

Tornadoes tore through parts of the US Midwest on Sunday, killing at least 30 people in the Missouri town of Joplin and causing one death in Minneapolis as well as causing extensive property damage. The Joplin deaths came from a powerful t


US Midwest floods near crest, levees at risk

Volunteers worked on Friday to fortify levees strained by the worst US Midwest flooding in 15 years as the swollen Mississippi River moved toward an expected weekend crest after causing huge losses. "It's a beautiful river, but it can turn

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