Monday 17 June 2024

Axe attacker on German train shot dead

A 17-year-old Afghan refugee wielding an axe and a knife attacked passengers on a train in southern Germany on Monday evening, severely wounding four, before he was shot dead by police, the interior minister for the state of Bavaria said.


Meat subsidies to end next month in Bahrain

Bahrain's government is pushing ahead with plans to axe meat subsidies from August 1, despite objections from parliament and Shura Council. Both chambers of the National Assembly have just approved the national budget for this


Murdoch axes paper, British PM's aide faces arrest

A former senior aide to British Prime Minister David Cameron faced arrest on Friday over his alleged role in a phone-hacking scandal that prompted Rupert Murdoch to close Britain's biggest selling Sunday newspaper. The scandal has 


Russia to axe few weapons if US abandons shield

Russia will stop developing some strategic weapons if the United States drops plans for a missile shield in Europe, Interfax news agency quoted the commander of Russia's strategic missile forces as saying on Friday. The remarks may be


US bosses axed 533,000 jobs in Nov

US employers axed 533,000 jobs from payrolls in November, the most in 34 years, as the year-old recession hammered the economy and hardened calls for dramatic government action to restore growth. The Labor Department said on Friday the une


Batelco blames competition for job cuts

Batelco has blamed competition and new technology for job cuts and hinted that more layoffs are possibly on the way. It denied targeting Bahrainis, saying that 17.5 per cent of the expatriate workforce had been axed over the last year, com

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